Marcus Harun, NBC News
July 31, 2012 at 1:31 PM ET

A panda at the San Diego Zoo gave birth to a record-breaking sixth cub on Sunday afternoon, setting the mark for the most cubs born to a panda in a facility outside of China.

At 2 p.m. on Sunday, a 20-year-old panda named Bai Yun?gave birth to a 100-gram cub, which emerged ?with a loud squawk,? according to zoo researchers.

?Bai Yun was in a seated position when the cub emerged, and it never even touched the ground before she had it in her embrace,? Suzanne Hall, senior zoo research technician, said in a post on the zoo?s website. ?Bai Yun immediately comforted and consoled the cub, and it settled down quickly.?

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Published On: July 31st, 2012 / Categories: Article, NBC Nightly News Internship /