By Marcus Harun
NBC News

In sci-fi movies, people go back in time to save lives or fight dinosaurs. But, Jeremiah McDonald went back in time to talk to himself about his pets. Well, kind of.

A conversation between McDonald, a 32-year-old filmmaker who lives in Portland, Maine, and his 12-year-old self is?the latest viral video?to hit YouTube.

The two discuss what has changed in 20 years, including how he aged, his hair, and the passing of his pet dogs.

?The questions mostly focus on the pets because I don’t think I could think of anything else,? McDonald told NBC News. ?The larger issues of life weren’t weighing down on me at that point.?

One of the larger issues not discussed included his job — he currently works at a parking garage.

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Published On: July 9th, 2012 / Categories: Article, NBC Nightly News Internship /