New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie “Slow Jammed” on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” last night to talk about politics and his weight, while the show?s band, The Roots, performed in the background.

The “Slow Jam the News” segment began with Christie defending his decision to hold a $12 million special election just weeks before the November gubernatorial election.

“As you know, New Jersey has a vacant seat in the U.S. Senate,” Christie said. “Now, I had the chance to either appoint a hand-picked replacement or let the people vote on their new Senator.”

While the governor started off slow jamming about serious topics, Fallon and The Roots made sure it didn’t stay that way for long. Christie’s weight was the butt of many of the jokes.

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Published On: June 13th, 2013 / Categories: Article, NBC Local Media Internship /